Saturday, December 17, 2011

Mystic Gypsies and supernatural madness


RP Theme

The World Of Tewyn So Far?

It all began with a figure in black robes walking into town. It was a town called Pian, in a planet parallel to earth called Tewyn. Pian was a rather normal place to live in, guarded by the Empire of Ramona, and all its Ramonian soldiers, with a powerful dictator in command who lives rather close by. Its' natives are the local people known as the Kurenks, a once simple people, who slowly became civilized as time passed. It is like a much older time like the Roman empire, with some more modern advancements such as lamps and a few telephones.

Names to know in the world

The Being-O-Pedia



*Ahem* So, it began with the figure in the black robes, with the frightening figure: that is until the stranger revealed their true form: It was actually in truth not some fearsome criminal, but a beautiful young woman. Her skin was tanned, likely since childhood upon birth, as well as being under the watchful eye of the sun for years, Her eyes as mysterious as she was, glowing with a golden curiosity of the present day world, with a shade of dark hair unlike most in Pian. She said she had arrived from Dias, come to fulfill an interest in dusty old antiques and cooking. Her business during the day was mostly work and taking walks around town. At night, there was no telling what she did: she could have been holed up in her home with all kinds of sounds and shadowy images going through her windows, as well as bright, multicolored lights. Her purchases from others would never only consist of normal things, for a girl especially, like dresses, make up, and groceries. Always the strangest ingredients and items, going crazy when she had found an artifact of some sort, and doing everything in her power to buy it.

Socially she preferred being by herself, or with an animal, maybe a few at most, rarely talking to people, or enjoying their company.


She was deemed by the people a Gypsy. And eventually this stuck with her: She then labeled her antique store and food stand as the 'Gypsy Antiques' and 'The Uncommon Eatery,' selling off forgotten treasures and her popular 'Makai Momo' (Devil Dumplings), a popular treat that's as big as your hand, and colored red. She even took up the use of a crystal ball, although it doesn't really tell fortunes, its like a magic wand to her, holding all her spells, working as a weapon, and a ye olden computer/smart phone. At her command is a mighty warrior from another land, who possesses great power. All the power she needs incase a spell goes wrong, or maybe she wants to hunt down some mysterious creature (in other words, this deadly fighter is her new servant). Then again, she's also going around to prevent evil from spreading into the world of the mortals, fighting against Demons, Spirits, Beasts and monsters, and maybe even military groups that want to use this newfound power for themselves?



Here are the main two roles. I didn't intend for this to be a 1x1, so I'm up for any ideas for extra characters, just shoot me a PM! :D

1) The 'Gypsy'

A mysterious traveler from the land of Dias. Her different appearance and anti social personality shows out to most. In truth, she's intelligent, skilled, and fun to be around, if you can handle all the odd things she does, and win her favor, whether you do it directly, or indirectly. Her fashion sense would be lacking by most girls her age in Pian, and the Ramonian Empire. One of the only people she's ever opened up to is her assistant...


2) The Gypsy's Assistant (JayZeroSnake)

A young man who also comes from a far off land, although not like the land of Dias. The Gypsy gets him fired from his old job to work for her (by force if I may add) as an assistant/bodyguard due to certain abilities and skills he possesses.

Character Sheet Requirements:


Optional to the sheet:

Fun Facts
Theme Song


sticks and stones sticks and stones top chef powerball winner powerball winner narwhals narwhals

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