Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Iranian Police Target Pet Dogs, 'Vulgar' Dress

2012.05.19 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Two people are killed when al-Shabaab militants toss hand grenades into a market.

2012.05.19 (Khost, Afghanistan) - Two children are among at least ten civilians wiped out by a Taliban suicide attack on a meeting between police and locals.

2012.05.19 (Deir Ezzor, Syria) - A least nine people are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.

2012.05.18 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A family of five, including three young children, are murdered in their own home by Muslim 'insurgents'.

2012.05.18 (Kunar, Afghanistan) - Two women and a child are crushed in their own home by a Sunni mortar round.

2012.05.18 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Terrorists detonate a bomb at a restaurant, killing five innocents.

2012.05.18 (Azzeffoun, Algeria) - Fundamentalists bomb a Coast Guard barracks, killing two sleeping members.

2012.05.18 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Holy Warriors bomb a bird market, packed with shoppers, leaving at least five dead.

2012.05.17 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Two Shia police officers are murdered in a targeted attack by Sunnis.

2012.05.17 (Farah, Afghanistan) - Seven people are shot or blasted to death during a sustained Fedayeen assault on a house.

2012.05.15 (Mosul, Iraq) - Seven Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.

2012.05.15 (Mombasa, Kenya) - A woman dies from a gunshot wound to the chest as Islamists assault a nightclub.

2012.05.15 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Two Shiite brothers are murdered by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen.

2012.05.14 (Ghormach, Afghanistan) - Religion of Peace bombers take down seven civilians at a market.

2012.05.14 (Adamawa, Nigeria) - Fifteen Christian villagers are massacred by twenty Fulani raiders.

2012.05.13 (Pattani, Thailand) - Muslim terrorists throw grenades into a Red Cross fair, injuring two dozen.

2012.05.13 (Saadyiah, Iraq) - 'Insurgents' blow up a home with a family inside, killing the mother and injuring a child.

2012.05.13 (Dhoraji, Pakistan) - A religious scholar and two others are murdered by sectarian rivals.

2012.05.13 (Bhutto Nagar, Pakistan) - Two Shiites are abducted, tortured and then shot to death by Sunni radicals.

2012.05.13 (Baghdad, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber kills three Iraqis.

2012.05.11 (Kano, Nigeria) - A Shiite cleric is murdered in his home by more radical rivals.

2012.05.11 (Baqubah, Iraq) - Terrorists kill five people in their own home, including a teenager.

2012.05.10 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Islamists throw grenades into the street, killing three civilians.

2012.05.10 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A young Shiite is shot through the head and neck by Sunni militants.

2012.05.10 (Damascus, Syria) - Two Religion of Peace suicide bombers detonate during the morning rush hour, sending at least fifty-five people to Allah.

2012.05.10 (Paktika, Afghanistan) - Four others are left dead when six Shahid suicide bombers attack a government building.

2012.05.09 (Tahoss, Nigeria) - Muslim activists set fire to Christian homes and then shoot those trying to flee, killing at least seven.

2012.05.09 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A 60-year-old man is murdered by Sunnis for being a Shiite.

2012.05.09 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) - Muslim radicals shoot two cattle traders to death at a market.

2012.05.08 (Urgun, Afghanistan) - Education ministry officials are cut down in a brutal ambush by Sunni hardliners.

2012.05.08 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Four children are among seven civilians crushed to death by an al-Shabaab mortar attack on their neighborhood.

2012.05.07 (Kishtwar, India) - A 12-year-old dies from splinter injuries when Muslim terrorists toss a grenade into his family's home.

2012.05.07 (Baqubah, Iraq) - A Shia man and his son are blown to bits in their own home by Sunni extremists.

2012.05.07 (Zinjibar, Yemen) - Thirty-two soldiers are killed during a sustained attack by al-Qaeda militants.

2012.05.06 (Turbat, Pakistan) - Two people are killed in their own home by Mujahideen.

2012.05.05 (Iligan, Philippines) - Two cousins are killed when suspected Muslims activists toss a grenade into a restaurant.

2012.05.04 (Yala, Thailand) - Islamic snipers pick off a father in his pickup truck and seriously injure his 7-year-old son.

2012.05.04 (Khar, Pakistan) - Tehrik-e-Taliban suicide bombers at a bazaar send two dozen innocents to Allah.

2012.05.04 (Taraba, Nigeria) - Muslim extremists gun down five villagers.

2012.05.03 (Potiskum, Nigeria) - Islamists toss bombs and fire into a cattle market, massacring about sixty innocents.

2012.05.04 (Makhatchkala, Dagestan) - Rescue workers and civilians are among those bleeding to death in the aftermath of a vicious suicide blast and follow-up bombing.

2012.05.03 (Chamarkand, Pakistan) - Tribal elders are among those taken apart by a Taliban double-bomb attack.

2012.05.02 (Kabul, Afghanistan) - Four children on their way to school are among seven innocents torn to shreds by Fedayeen suicide bombers disguised in burqas.

2012.05.02 (Rafah, Egypt) - Palestinian-based terrorists take out an Egyptian policeman with a rocket.

2012.05.01 (Quetta, Pakistan) - A 14-year-old student is among two civilians killed by a powerful Tehreek-e-Taliban bomb.

2012.05.01 (Dusamareb, Somalia) - Civilians at a cafe are among the casualties of a Shahid suicide bombing.

2012.05.01 (Riyom, Nigeria) - Muslims raid a Christian village, setting fire to homes and shooting those who fled.

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